

Sometimes, you read this things that made sense in your head and you actually think you understand them, until something happens, someone you love like a brother gets sick and, in your heart, you know that we are really just passing through, that life really happens while you make plans for other things. 

I have my ticket for London for december, I have a room waiting for me and I know a few people in the city. I'm scared of the cliff but I'm going to jump, he's been teaching me that, jump, don't worry about the landing, it's going to happen anyway, one way or another, so, why worry? just give it your all while in flying. 

(my new tumblr, where I'm trying to mix my two blogs in one)

Australia 86

Australia 87

Australia 88

Australia 89

Australia 90

Looking for the Erskine Falls (2014)

4 comentarios:

  1. It will be a journey for the better, for sure, with many downs but surely many more ups :D Congratulations for being corageaus!

  2. thank you so much for your words <3

  3. Enjoying your London photographs on Instagram, will look forward to your film photos, Tanit!

    1. thank you Katie, even if I actually know that my instagram pics are weak, haven't really found the mood of the city. Maybe because i prefer film? ;)
