
034 - Primavera Sound 2012


Before going to Iceland I spent two days (and three nights) at Primavera Sound Festival. It was quite fun and as I love *love* live music I enjoyed myself quite a lot:

I ate one of the best burgers I've tasted in a long time · burned my shoulders because the sun was too strong · had my picture taken for a magazine (aparently I'm fashionable, which is ridiculous beacuse I was dressed for "I don't care if it stains or breaks or whatever") · saw a kind of stage devil (I'm still trying to get my mind around Alexis Krauss) · danced as if it was the end of the world with The Rapture (that was a very joyful moment) · re-affirmed my bordering-on-fannish-feelings for The Walkmen...

And tried out a toy plastic camera, a SuperHeadz Blue Ribbon; very fun to use but has tons of light leaks. This is one of the pictures. I like the results but, for me, this camera needs a very special type of setting, central object with a lot of negative space. At last that's what my instict tells me after seeing the results. But, what do I know XP

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