
076 - Sneak peak of 'Vermouth'

As it'll come out really really soon I want to share, at last, a little project that, actually, makes me very happy. Last summer my friend Marta (Què Cuino Avui. La Marta entre Fogons) and I decided to work on something together, we weren't sure what we wanted to do at first but in the end we decided that she would cook something basic and I would record the process.  

01-Fent Pa

The pictures will appear in a very special publication: Vermouth, the 2nd issue of Publications for Pleasure, a small and independent publishing house with whom I've been quite in love ever since I've discovered their first amazing magazine, Atlas. You can, then, imagine how honored and thrilled I am that they decided to use a few of my photos.

Check out their first dummy and be sure to purchase one when it comes out (I'll be sure to tell you when as I'll be gushing all over my copy)!

Vermouth issue 2 - Coming soon from Publications for Pleasure on Vimeo.

Meanwhile you can try one of their prints, they are amazing, quiet, colorful and, equally important, quite affordable. And it'll help them quite a lot. 

Good things on a monday 


EXTRA: Mini-shop at Society 6

Inspired by Rhianne and Katie I decided to open a shop at Society 6. I've wanted for a long time to print and sell a few of my pictures, but I don't have the time or the means to manage it. There's not a whole lot of photos up (my updating is slow, I know), and most of them are from Iceland (I love my Zenit) at the moment ... because I *really* wanted to share those. 

Take a look!


075 - A Pottery Workshop



A month ago, more or less, after having one of those colds that leave you completely dead at home for more than a week, I spent a saturday at a pottery workshop. I was really fuzzy and didn't control much of the camera settings so most of the pictures I took are too dark, but I quite like these.

More importantly, I enjoyed it so much. It was so so fun and it felt wonderful to *make* something with my hands and learn a few more things about pottery than those ashtrays we all made as kids; to top it all the people were wonderful and the place just lovely. 

If you live in Barcelona and you want to learn a bit of pottery, check it out, really, Mily and Lola are really welcoming (even if you break things, but *don't* do it, just in case, it just sucks to realize it's your fault) and so engaging that you'll certainly enjoy yourself.


074 - Portraits I


I'm cleaning up (my flickr, my blog, etc.), I'll keep at it for while, I guess, same as I'm doing with the rest of my everyday things. Spring cleaning for a big chance. 

Also, I have to return my Olympus, my uncle wants it back, so I'm window shopping for another second hand film camera... and there's so many! Any recomendations?

February 2013
Olympus OM10 + Kodak Portra 400