

Australia 38

Australia 39

Australia 40

Australia 41

After some dinner, with wine, of course, Australia has some amazing wines, we went back to the beach, bundled up because it was raining a little, but still barefoot, and saw the most amazing sunset ever. Happy dog and handsome owner included. 


SEATED (Introduction)



It all started more or less because of him. Funny story actually, when we met, we couldn't stand each other, he thought I was dry and humorless, I thought he was rude. But, as the saying goes, "shit happens", time happens and since then we've shared an apartment and have become like brother and sister. The things I tell him, I don't tell anyone else, and he's painfully honest with me too. Mainly we talk about sex, because we like to laugh about sex. Oh, and food, because food is, in the end, what this is all about. 

You see, as a teenager I hated eating, not the act in itself, I hated eating when I was on my own. I skipped meals on High School because I was the only one back home (my brothers and parents had a different schedule and I could go back home to eat when I didn't have evening class). My mum noticed and started to let me easy to fix meals on the fridge and to call me to make sure I was eating. I lied a few times, but not a lot and, slowly, I got over that phase. Except that I still didn't really enjoy it. 

But, again, time happens (and I've become more aware of internalized ideas of beauty, social expectations and body image), and as I get older food has become one of my favorite things in this world. It's been a slow process for sure, but I love eating now, what's more, maybe because of those years, eating with people is now one of the things I enjoy more than anything else. 

When I got my ZenitB a few years ago I started taking it with me everywhere and a lot of those times, Pierre was with me, so he became the impromptu model of my new obsession. Slowly, I decided that instead of taking pictures of the food I was going to take pictures of the people I was enjoying that food with. And this is how this silly idea started. 

I have an small collection of the people I've been eating with this pasts months, some are friends, some passing acquaintances, but with all of them I shared a few important moments, because eating is important, and enjoying it, even more so. And thanks to them, to these people that I encounter, I enjoyed that moment. 

The punch line is that while I have tons of pictures of him, the one I had of his face, is lost somewhere, so I'll need to take another one. 

So here is my starting point in SEATED.



Australia 32

Australia 33

Australia 34

Australia 35

Australia 36

Australia 37

Australia 38

We had met a guy in the hostel in Melbourne that while we were planning our road trip told us to go to Johanna Beach, that it was a gorgeous place. The good thing is that there's also a free campsite there, just by the beach, so while we actually didn't have a strong plan and we kept changing things as we went along, this was a place we really wanted to see. It's called like this because it was the name of a ship that wrecked in this beach while looking for the Yarra river to go up to Melbourne. It was such an amazing day, and because it was cloudy the light was so beautiful. 



Australia 26

Australia 27

Australia 28

Australia 29

Last weekend I went to the beach and suddenly this amazing smell of sea, just surrounded me and made me relax instantly. It's curious how for a long time I really didn't enjoy the beach, having to worry about the sun on my head, which usually pisses me off, and my skin getting burn or, a new development, getting freckles… was a bit too much of a hassle. I spent entire summers so white that people thought I was a bit sick. After this trip I kind of reconnected with the beach and I remembered why used to love it so so so much being a kid (you can safely say I grew up in a beach). I look at this pictures again and think of that smell and why it makes me happy. 



Australia 24

Australia 25

Surfing life, boys and girls, low tide in a reef that just about scratches your feet raw or it's completely covered with algae that stick to your feet like glue.